Are there squirrels in Italy?

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Squirrels are squishy little animals that are always conditioned to damage human property or
steal human food. But I believe there’s much more to it than just the negatives. Squirrels are
probably the most harmless specie you can deal with in the wild. These furry fellows are so
adorable that one can’t resist cuddling them.

With those front two teeth protruding outwardsand clinging to the trees, these cute animals are a perfect sight! They are widespread, and youwould probably be wrong when you think of them not being in an area!

These tree-huggers are always found in urban and suburban areas near the woods. So if you are wondering if they are
present in Italy or not, you need to keep reading the article below!

Are there squirrels in Italy?

Squirrels can be seen anywhere around the world except for Antarctica. And that is because of
extreme weather conditions. Squirrels are native to all lands but with different species in every
area. Similarly, Italy has its kinds of squirrels.

You can find them on the Italian Peninsula orItalian Islands. Some species are also found in the Alps along with the Apennines. However, thepopulation of squirrels in Italy has been declining. Keep reading the article below to find out why

What are the types of squirrels in Italy?

As you roam around Italy, you may see different types of squirrels. Some may be red, while
others may be black or grey. However, all the classes have distinctive features which make
them stand out.
The three main types of squirrels found in Italy are the following:

  1. Red squirrels:
    Red squirrels are the natives of Italy. They have been found in Italy for a very long time.
    Red squirrels further have three subspecies in the region of Italy. Some you can find in
    Northern Italy, others in Central areas and some on the Southern sides. Red squirrels
    are not red but a blend of brown, black, red and grey. In summers, they lose their coat
    and look redder. The population of red squirrels has dropped to alarming levels in Italy.
  2. Eastern Gray squirrels:
    Grey squirrels are native to American lands. These were accidentally released in the wild
    in Italy, and since then, their population has multiplied exponentially. These squirrels

cannot live sideways with the red squirrels because of health issues. The wildlife
authorities of Italy have been trying to control the population surge of grey squirrels
since they have been causing threats to the red squirrels in multiple regions of Italy.

  1. Southern Black squirrel:
    Southern black squirrels, as the name indicates, are mainly found in the southern areas
    of Italy. These have their characteristic traits and patterns, which make them a specific
    specie. They are usually found in darker shades like black with brown ends of hair.

What do these squirrels eat?

The squirrels eat everything that gets in their way. They can munch on every snack you may
offer them. From fruits to nuts, all they need to eat shall be food!
Squirrels differ in their diet since every specie belongs to its area with a specific availability of
food, but the main things they like to have a taste of are the following:

  • Fruits
  • Leaves
  • Berries
  • Nuts
  • Seeds
  • Plants
  • Insects

Red squirrels endangered in Italy:
Red squirrels are the natives of the Italian environment. They have been living there for a long
time, but since the outbreak of grey squirrels in the wild, the red squirrel’s population has
dropped very fast. The grey squirrels originally belonged to America but were gifted to the
European state. These squirrels escaped into the wild, where they colonized, and their
population increased swiftly. The red squirrels became endangered because of multiple reasons
like :

  • Grey squirrels are dominant:
    The grey squirrels are generally more dominant and aggressive, and so they quickly
    invaded the lands where red squirrels used to live. And started to make their nests and
    dens. Red squirrels being timid, left the place.
  • Squirrel Pox:

The grey squirrels carry a disease known as Squirrel Pox, which severely affects the red
squirrels. Grey squirrels are immune to this virus. Since the grey squirrels invaded the
areas, they caused the spread of this virus in red squirrels. The red squirrels started to
die at an alarming rate. Today, red squirrels are close to becoming extinct in the country
because of this reason.

  • Competition of food:
    The grey squirrels are hoarders of food and eat around nine times more than a red
    squirrel can eat. This has led to competition in food, and mainly the red squirrels have
    faced scarcity because they are submissive. Due to the unavailability of food, red
    squirrels have been dying over the years.
    Other than this, the squirrels’ population has generally declined because of reasons like
    deforestation, road killing and predator attacks in the wild.

Can red squirrels be saved in Italy?

The red squirrels have been completely wiped out from many Italy areas, especially the
Northern regions. However, the grey squirrel’s population has occupied more than 2000 sq km
of area. If this population keeps growing at the same rate, the specie is going to spread all over
Italy, causing the extinction of red squirrels. The wildlife authorities are working at an excellent
pace to conserve red squirrels. Specific measures are being taken place to preserve the
remaining population of red squirrels and control the rate of grey squirrels in the country.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Are squirrels about to go extinct in Italy?

If one will not conserve the population of red squirrels by taking adequate measures,
they might go extinct in the coming time.

What is Pox virus or Squirrel pox?

Pox virus or squirrel pox is the virus that comes from grey squirrels. Grey squirrels are
usually immune to it, but red squirrels die when they contract this virus. The symptoms
start with lethargies and death in 4 to 5 days.

What can be poisonous for a squirrel

Though squirrels eat various things, some foods can be poisonous for them, like high
sugar, salty, high starch, human junk food, sunflower seeds and pine nuts.