Squirrels are the cutest mammals in the wild that munch on everything that gets in their way. A
squirrel can eat anything that you may feed it! Though these mammals are more nut or fruit
eaters, they can also feed on insects and other flies in the wild. That is why they are
characterized as omnivores.
Squirrels have particular traits and crazy habits that make them themost adorable mammals in the forests. Their furry bodies and fluffy tails make them the cutest sight!
They spend most of their life gathering food and preparing themselves for colder weather
conditions. Nearly all like squirrels, but some call them a mess too! A squirrel has a slender
body, large eyes, and a furry body. Some are so small while others are as big as a cat! To find
out about the squirrels in Ohio, you need to keep reading this article below!
Squirrels you can find in Ohio:
Squirrels have more than 200 types worldwide. With each place, you shall see a different kind
of squirrel. In Ohio, there are several types of squirrels. The most common types of squirrels
that you can find in Ohio are mentioned below:
- Eastern Gray Squirrel:
Eastern Gray squirrels are easily found in Ohio. These are one of the common species of
squirrels that reside in several parts of Ohio. In earlier times, the population of gray
squirrels was so dense that the government ordered the elimination of these squirrels
from the areas. These squirrels reproduce twice a year, giving at least 4 to 6 babies per
litter. The gray squirrels have been controlled in many parts of Ohio as the human
population has increased. - Red squirrels:
Red squirrels are easily found in Ohio, but one thing to be kept in mind is that gray, and
red squirrels cannot live together. These can easily be identified because of their
different color. These squirrels look reddish in summers and gray in winters. They are
much smaller in size as compared to the other species. You can find them anywhere in
the woods or in dense forests. These ginger-red furry friends can be seen in the
northern parts of the forests of Ohio. - Fox squirrels: Fox squirrels, as the name indicates, look like a fox because of their brownish shade and bushy tail. These are primarily found in Ohio. The fox squirrels didn’t originally belong to Ohio but settled when they got some more apparent spaces. You can see them in yellowish-orange fur that also changes to somewhat gray—these mates twice a year, producing two litters of babies yearly. Males are never involved in the rearing of the baby squirrels. From making the nests to protecting the babies, all are the responsibilities of a female fox squirrel.
- Flying squirrels: Flying squirrels are the most common type of squirrels in the world. These are found in many places around the world. The flying squirrels are also known as Eastern Flying squirrels. Though they are named flying squirrels, they don’t fly. These furry fellows glide from one tree to the other with the help of their skin attached from their wrists to toes. This skin acts as a parachute, helping them soar high in the sky. They also breed twice a year, making two litters of babies. The second litter usually stays with the mother throughout the season. They like living in coniferous trees or dense woodlands. They are omnivores which means that they eat plants as well as insects.
Are there flying squirrels in Ohio?
Ohio is a hub and home to many kinds of squirrels. The most common type of squirrel living in
Ohio is a flying squirrel. You may see them in parks, deciduous trees, or coniferous woodlands.
You may not see them during the daytime because these are nocturnal animals and roam
around only at night. These like munching on leaves, fruits, bark, seeds, nuts, insects, eggs, etc.
They mostly make their nests inside the hollow trees rather than outside. They feel safer inside
of the trees. Flying squirrels have also been seen in the attics of houses in Ohio. People mostly
see them in the dark, and all these furry animals do is bury their food throughout the night!
Life and reproduction of flying squirrels in Ohio:
The flying squirrels in Ohio munch on a variety of things. You may give them any snack, and
they’ll happily munch on it! The good thing about these fur babies is that they usually forget
where they’ve buried their food which becomes a plant or tree by the following season.
You can find them in deciduous forests and heavy woodlands. According to Ohio’s department
of control for natural resources, flying squirrels can be found in southeastern regions of the
These squirrels stay active throughout the year, meaning they don’t hibernate in winters. They
prepare themselves for the colder temperatures by gathering food throughout the year. They
hide their food in their nests or under the ground.
Breeding and reproduction:
The flying squirrels in Ohio breed twice yearly in January/February and June/July. The gestation
period lasts about 40 days, and a litter of 4 to 6 babies is born. The newborn babies are
helpless, deaf, and blind. These babies are entirely dependent on their mothers for the next
two months. The first litter born goes into the wild after two months, and the second litter
stays with the mother for the whole season.
These mammals can live from 6 to 8 years in the wild, and their life expectancy can go as much
as 12 years when kept in captivity. These animals are brilliant, active, and more adapted to
living in the wild, but many die because of diseases, road kills, attacks by predators, and other
Frequently Asked Questions:
Do flying squirrels undergo hibernation in Ohio?
No, the flying squirrels don’t hibernate in Ohio. All the types of squirrels found in Ohio,
like red, gray, flying, and fox squirrels, none of them hibernates. These squirrels gather food all year long and store it under the ground. In winters, these squirrels become active in the mornings and rest for the rest of the day. They wake up, eat and then go
back to their nests.
Are flying squirrels protected in Ohio?
Yes, flying squirrels are protected in the state of Ohio. To handle them, you need to
have a permit from the wildlife authority. Otherwise, you are not allowed to get a hold
of these squirrels.
Do flying squirrels carry any disease?
Flying squirrels carry a fatal disease known as Typhus. Parasites from flying squirrels can
have this infection on humans
Are flying squirrels dangerous?
All the squirrels, including the flying squirrels, are not aggressive or dangerous. They
pose no harm to humans. A squirrel only becomes aggressive when it faces any threat.
In other instances, a mother squirrel is very protective of her babies. If a flying mother
squirrel sees harm in her babies, she may attack the intruder.